January 1, 2016
Green Thumbs in Action – iamgurgaon's Annual Tree Plantation Drive for School Children
iamgurgaon organizes a tree plantation drive for school children every year. The first for this year was on July 26, 2016, when we had 415 children from DPS Maruti Kunj, The Shri Ram School, Moulsari and Aravali branches visit the Aravali Bio Diversity Park to participate in tree planting activities. This was supported by IAG team members and volunteers who were there in large numbers to ensure that the drive was meticulously executed.
Since it was not the first time these schools have participated in this initiative, the children were prepared with what to expect and most of them came dressed appropriately in track pants, carrying their water bottles. It was heartening to see them pouring out their buses and some walk enthusiastically towards the planting areas. The areas were demarcated and prepared for them. However, before they could actually start planting, they were given a short background of the park and why only native species like dhak, gundi, pahadi pepdi, basna, mendal, bhermel goya-khair, adusa are planted here. The ‘maalis’ gave a brief demo on how the saplings should be planted so as to ensure that they are not wasted by following the wrong generic ambien cr does not work method. Small groups of 3-4 kids were formed, handed over the ‘khurpees” who got on to get their hands dirty!
Despite the heat and humidity, it was such a joyful sight to see the kids taking their tasks so seriously! And some of them did not want to stop at one…they wanted to go through the process of planting as many as they could.
Let this education not be restricted to the Park, let it extend to our homes and areas around us. We can all contribute to secure our environment.