The Planting this year was focused at Aravali Biodiversity Park, DLF phase 3.
The Aravali Biodiversity Park spread across 576 acres of pristine space is being developed. Despite the fact that the park is still a “Work in progress” it enjoys a daily footfall of 200+ people walking, cycling, jogging, trekking, bird watching, gardening, contemplation and cultural expression.
“milliontreesgurgaon” has been able to involve over 15000 individuals, school kids from across 30 schools, civil society of Gurgaon (like DLF Senior Citizen Council) and employees from varied corporate (like KPMG) who have come to the park and planted in large numbers.
The “milliontreesgurgaon” has been aiming for eventually transformation of the Aravali Biodiversity Park, Gurgaon into a conservation sanctuary for birds, animals and plants. Planting Native is the first step towards that goal.
We have successfully introduced 13 species to the park: Sterculia urens (Kullu), Boswellia serrata (Salai), Helicterus isora (Marodfali), lannea coromandelica (Gurjan), Albizzia odoratissima (Kala sirus), Albizzia amara (Krishna sirus), Bauhinia racemosa (Jhinjheri), Mitragyna parviflora (Kaim), Wrightia tinctoria (dudhi), Wrightia arborea (dudhi), Acacia modesta (Phulai) Abrus precatorius (Ratti) and Caesalpinia cucullata (choti gataran).